100th blog post

I’m not usually big on anniversaries, but I felt my 100th blog on this blog-site was worth it’s own post.
This blog has seen it’s fair share of poetry, news, sports, and anything I’ve felt like writing about over the many months and post since it’s creation. The writings on this blog have stalked me, through the best and worst times, since it’s inception.
The solitary portrait of a man hanging on the back of the beast called life.
Life is such an interesting beast. We hold on, as it kicks and bucks. We try not to fall off, but in the End we all fall off.
This begs the most important question: what does everything mean, in the End?
I don’t know. Nobody knows.
The best course of action seems to aim to do what makes you happy, avoid doing harm to others, and try to forget that all good things come to an end.
I hope my blog has touched on the happier moments of life, as well as the sad moments.
Thank you to everyone who has read a post, some posts, or all posts, I hope you feel a connection to me, and to life.
I look forward to writing a hundred more.


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