What a day

Some mornings began of love and hope, but there were also the disappointments. The sun had risen in a pale yellow, more of diluted urine colour than the orange of fire. The morning shuttered awake, as difficult and uneasy as a young child holding out against the inevitable time they would be forced out of the comfort and warmth of bed.

The sun rose naked. There is an irony in seeing and knowing the sun is a giant bonfire in the stars, and not being able to feel its warmth through the indifferent late February weather. Or maybe it was the Big Smoke. This city always had a way of taking the raw flesh and passion from the living, and leaving only bones.

There was something dead about the over-populated city. It had become a cancer, teeming with bodies still searching for souls. There was never a great divide, it was more likely the souls had slowly begun packing it in when the city started with The Pressure. Hearts pump life through the veins, but who is living?

Reality or something like it

The ceiling does not change under
The pressures of human time,
The hours do nothing to make the dull exciting,
Or to change this feeling into something real.

Reality starts to bend under the monotony
And I suddenly begin to see the fabrics of it all
And where they have all been layered
But never properly stitched together.

Or maybe I see patterns where none exist,
A guilty pass time for a trained mind
Always forced to quantify the unexplainable
For money or for grades.

It doesn’t have to be true,
It just has to sound true.