disobedient dog, reserved hand

scraped knees from your mouth's actions,

scraped soul from your mental failures,

you're a walking band-aid,

all damaged goods and pain,

no good for anything real,

only as a chew-toy,

for a disobedient dog,

or one whose mess you watch being made,

with a reserved hand.


leash your failure,

and hide it away again;

dogs will be dogs,

and bitches will be bitches.

12th Annual Sudbury Panhellenic Tournament

The 12th Annual Sudbury Panhellenic Soccer Tournament is set to kick off this weekend. Check out Randy Pascal's article about it here. It's a great youth soccer tournament, which brings together teams from all over Ontario. The highest age group participating is u-21. Action will take place at fields across the city, but Laurentian University is the headquarters. I encourage everyone to take in a few games this weekend, as the competition will be a great chance for youth to showcase their soccer talents, and the games should be quite exciting!

New website, new layout!

My dearest readers,
I’ve finished the new website layout, at my new domain (andyveilleux.com)! It’s similar to the old layout, except it lets me have two columns (three including my sidebar) on my site. You’ll notice all the pages (which are currently empty). I plan to populate them with tons of cool stuff in the next few days.
What do you think of the new layout?

Burnout, productivity, and risk: Leading the life you truly desire

I read two interesting articles today that got me thinking. I came across the first article, In a World of Online News, Burnout Starts Younger, when it was retweeted by my friend Vadim Lavrusik (of Mashable). The second article that really got me thinking was from the Advanced Riskology blog, created and ran by Tyler Tervooren, and it is called One Productivity Myth You Can Ignore. First I want to discuss a bit about the two above mentioned people, and finally, the articles I came across because of them.

I'll keep this brief. I stumbled across Vadim through twitter over a year ago, and have been following him ever since. He is an excellent source of information, particularly focusing on journalism and social media. I highly recommend his twitter feed (which I linked above) to anyone looking to stay up-to-date on journalism and social media. Period. I have just recently begun to follow Tyler, but his blog is an incredibly fresh perspective on business and life in general. He constantly pushes one to think creatively, and challenge one's self, which are both sorely needed in our modern society. They are both brilliant, and interestingly enough, have taken surprisingly different routes to get where they are today.They are two sides on the coin of brilliance, though I won't get into a semantic argument about who gets to be 'heads,' and who gets to be 'tails.' 

The first article, concerning the burnout of young professionals in the online news world, was quite eye-opening. I think anybody who is heavily involved in the world of online news has been feeling some degree of 'burn-out' for awhile now. Even though I am not as involved as someone like Vadim (who is quite a workhorse), I too feel the effects of this burn-out occasionally. A lot of people still believe the work day is typically 9-5, but anyone involved in online news, and even social media, understands the opposite is true. Journalism, according to my J-School profs of old, and pretty much any journalist who is worth their salt, has never been a 9 to 5 job. You can't just shut off your journalizing. The same can be said of one's social media presence.

At this stage of social media, and online journalism, maintaining that connection to the social world is one's bread and butter. If breaking news happens, many people EXPECT it instantly. And maybe they should, because after all, that's our job as journalists. It would be ridiculous to blame the burn-out on the news, or our jobs, in and of themselves. We are the ones who are not disconnecting, or unplugging from the Matrix when the shift is over.

There is a movement to reduce our dependency on being connected AT ALL TIMES to the social media/e-mail machine. I read an interesting article on Advanced Riskology that discussed exactly that. It linked to Everett Bogue's Minimalist Business, which argues for a much simpler, and less materialistic, conformist lifestyle in order to achieve happiness. I think he's on to something.

This brings me to the second article that I mentioned above. Tyler's article discusses the common myth that the 'early bird gets the worm.' (Sorry for the cliché Tyler, you'll have to forgive me). He argues that rising early is often a successful strategy, employed by successful people. But, it isn't for everybody. He argues that a person should listen to their body, and adopt a more natural sleep cycle according to one's own needs and feelings. There's absolutely no reason to always wake up early if it is out of tune with the way your body wants to be ran. Tyler, to his credit, is an early riser, which means he isn't some lazy 20something who feels everyone should stay up late and sleep in late, and never be productive with their day. In fact, he is quite successful (refer to his website, which is linked above, for more.)

What I want everyone to take out of this blog is simple. It is important to disconnect from the social media world. It is also important to make your own rules, more or less, in terms of how you live your life. If you're not happy, something needs to change, or you risk burning yourself out. Life is meant to be enjoyed; it isn't a race.

the lonely prize

A shadow is spreading in my heart,

viral by nature,

an infection feeding off my memories,

swelling my chest.


Blood leaks out with love,

while hope struggles to hold on,

a seemingly endless battle


I no longer own my heart,

and truth be told,

I haven't owned it in years.


It's been sold to the highest bidder,

time and time again;

the person too intoxicated to understand,

and willing to show me the most affection,

a double entendre of failure. 


The auction's up,

and the bets are being placed;

an over-anxious auctioneer,

a lonely prize.


The neon life;

tweets, posts, blogs, status updates,

friends, music, movies and video games,

sports, jogging, working out, dancing,


nothing works for long,

and it shouldn't.


Life is meant to be tackled had on,

hit your bruised forehead again,

on the same dull, white brick wall,

from school of old and the office of new,

until you need a release.


What release?



Create as you will,

nothing will avoid the end,

not even your art can buy time.

the lonely prize

A shadow is spreading in my heart,

viral by nature,

an infection feeding off my memories,

swelling my chest.


Blood leaks out with love,

while hope struggles to hold on,

a seemingly endless battle


I no longer own my heart,

and truth be told,

I haven't owned it in years.


It's been sold to the highest bidder,

time and time again;

the person too intoxicated to understand,

and willing to show me the most affection,

a double entendre of failure. 


The auction's up,

and the bets are being placed;

an over-anxious auctioneer,

a lonely prize.


The neon life;

tweets, posts, blogs, status updates,

friends, music, movies and video games,

sports, jogging, working out, dancing,


nothing works for long,

and it shouldn't.


Life is meant to be tackled had on,

hit your bruised forehead again,

on the same dull, white brick wall,

from school of old and the office of new,

until you need a release.


What release?



Create as you will,

nothing will avoid the end,

not even your art can buy time.

must, find, soul

I'm choking for life,

in a white, plaster box;

poem won't save me.


Inhuman transformation;

man and machine to monster.


Ugly, broken, worn-out hybrid,

new technology won't save me.





This Hyde-like Phoenix


You're falling apart,
it shows by the way your skin holds your bones,
You're breaking down,
and that's about the best thing,
that I could say about you now.
You can dance in the photos,
and try to look cute pouting,
the irony is the realism of it.
You're naked;
sad, lonely, cold.
There's no warmth coming,
into your fragile body,
not even from a young boy,
or an old lover.
I only like watching a breakdown,
when I'm the monster causing it;
we both see the masochism,
and enjoy it.
Human life breeds suffering,
and that fuels us both,
what's happiness?
mostly weakness.
It makes you overindulgent,
complacent and apathetic,
I don't need any of that shit.
I need to run on slow, seeping fumes of sorrow,
live for the harsh bitterness of unrequited love;
you fly at me, a captivating, raging chainsaw,
and I accept you with arms wide open,
you can't cut this skin any deeper.
Chunks of skin are shed off my scarred chest,
the chainsaw dulls itself against my bones,
the flesh grows back fast around the razors,
stopping your furious assault in it's tracks,
until my blood leaks down the metal,
combining with my salty sweat,
I rust out your best assets.
We exchange periods of unrequited love,
until we come apart at our bursting seams,
and your hatred spills onto me like acid,
slicing away what you found beautiful,
you kill the Jekyll and leave the Hyde;
I roar, scream, tear, rip,
a monster, thrashing.
and we hold each other like that,
you corroding, slowly,
me breaking down;
a lover's embrace based on friction,
and resistance,
no harmony.
Life moved much too fast for you,
never moved fast enough for me.
This Hyde-like phoenix was retooled,
to feed on all the shit in life,
the supply was endless.
Who fell apart,