Kings and gutters

There’s a king for every castle,

and a degenerate for every gutter,

but the world is filled with gutters and so few castles.


Man jumps at a passing star,

his own shot,

and falls through the sewers

much more often than catching it.


The history of human excellence is the story

of climbing out of the shit to build an empire

when everybody refused to pick you up.

Heart in a castle

Light shines through the cracks in my glorified castle,
The place where I’ve built up defenses against love
In an attempt to keep my heart safe once more.

There is no describing the fortress we erect to save ourselves,
And the architecture is always flawed and impotent.

Love always finds a way.

It might not be good love or the mythical ‘true’ love,
But something always sneaks into my heart,
Whether it scales the walls or swims the most.

Love isn’t clean, or just or pure,
But nothing worth having is.

love and corpses

I’m lost, I said, though I knew she was sleeping.

I remained in the bed, sitting,

staring where love  once was,

now some dark shape that could have been a corpse in the bed remained.


All that was special and magical in life

had suddenly become commonplace and tired;

there was no remedy or break from it.


It seemed as if the gold paint had flaked off

and now I was left staring at a mud statue.


Life was crawling by and all I wanted was to run,

and I waited so long to get out of the gates.


I wish I never looked back.

The True Face of Humanity: An Essay

Jean-Paul Sartre had me believing there was no human nature. He wasn’t the only one to argue that point, and maybe not  even the best, but when he spoke I believed him. I crave the complete responsibility for my own actions. There is a hitch in the plan though, that is only provided by experience. The more I live the less I believe humans are neutral morally. The more I live, the more evil I see. The evil of violence, which humans gorge on. The evil of inaction, exemplified by the lazy generation I was born into, but we are not alone. The evil in the way that love ends and how we make our most intimate friends and lovers into strangers. This also happens with family.

Loyalty is dead, or is at least left bleeding in some gutter, unattended to. We have become loyal to only our desires and personal ambitions, and not even the sort of real ambition only certain people possess. The false ambitions – that of wealth, personal “success,” and moving up some invisible and indifferent latter – also push people in strange ways.

When we eat, we seek to feast. When we get ahead, we seek to take metres instead of inches. Progress has become a clock spinning out of control, and what of morality? Nobody gives a damn about morality, because it doesn’t pay the bills. Morality is argued about in dark corners of philosophy departments, where even as we speak, it has taken a back seat to mechanical debates about logic and the obscure discussions surrounding the meaning of a solitary word.

We are not some privileged animal, despite our sophisticated brains, because we spoil and waste our talents. We possess the tools to look deeply and meaningfully at our lives and our predicaments, and we would rather use them on the inconsequential and mundane tasks that have no bearing on our being. We are the most advanced animal, well ironically the most stupid. No other creature on this planet rapes it or takes advantage of it the way that we do.

No other animal finds ways to mass murder its own species and other species with such efficiency. Our faculties have evolved, but unfortunately, our morality has not evolved at the same rate. Our moral compass is pointing north, telling us we are good human beings despite the evidence to the contrary.

Sure, you don’t recycle as much as you should, and you drive a distance you could walk in five minutes, but at least you don’t own a Hummer. And if you own a Hummer, at least you don’t fly a private jet plane. And if you own a jet plane, at least you donate to charities, and maybe you dump money into carbon off-sets for some of your travels or buy Monsanto seeds for poor Africans to become dependent on. They were already bankrupt and starving before the seeds anyways, right?

None of this is new, or hip, or popular to talk about, except the environmentalism, and even that depends on the circle of friends you keep. Humanity is just not that good to each other. They are awful in intimate situations, brutal in social settings and the worst in mob-sized dealings. There’s no cure coming, no sudden invent of a gadget that will teach people how to live better, deeper and smarter. There is nothing like the investment that gets poured into science and technology, but they care about your vehicles, new drugs they can invent new illnesses for and new ways to sell you something you don’t need.

But let’s not talk about all of that. It’s a good ol’ Saturday night and the people are dancing and drinking, and if they are not dancing and drinking, they are losers anyways. Certainly, I am a loser. I’m a loser to be spending a Saturday night reading interesting books, writing about how broken our species is and drinking a tall glass of water and reality. Charles Bukowski said what was needed was an old school jester, but even the cleverest and goofiest clown in history can not show us a shred of redemption in humanity. We are in a funk like we have never seen before. Humans before used to break everything, but they couldn’t destroy their planet with their stupidity. We possess the most knowledge at any point in human history, and it’s only led us to innovative ways of crippling ecosystems and hearts.

So don’t tell me there is no human nature. As far as I know, history has taught us what human nature is. Easter Island is human nature. Hiroshima and Auschwitz are human nature. The Crusades are human nature. Two people sitting alone trying to figure out where they go from here after one lover has confessed to infidelity, lying and stealing, both peoples’ hearts crushing and not for the first time, are human nature. The way we stab the earth with needles and explosives for minerals and oil to build more luxury SUVs, and over-priced trinkets, just to see all that money climb up some greedy tree where the top one per cent collect their lop-sided earnings, is human nature.

Human nature is not a broken concept, and I’m surprised the goblins, trolls and devils of our world do not being funding Arts programs seriously. They should be teaching people there is no human nature – although Sartre wouldn’t make sense to teach, because he preaches responsibility and free will – because there are always those in control of money, and those without it, and that’s all based on human nature. Humans idolize and place people on pedestals. Having your face on television, your voice on the radio and your general idiot nature yapping all the time, makes women and men want to bed you without having met you. Don’t tell me we are not broken, or that there’s some sunny dawn coming to chase away all the bad times. We are the bad times. We are humans being natural, and we are broken beyond repair.

miles beyond the one

The one who stares does not believe in it

– it’s just not right –

what an expert,

with all the accolades and medals

and people lined up outside that door

wanting to bang it down

-oh, wait, that’s false –

there’s no banging

and no chances for the

one who stares

and acts so innocently.


It’s all a game

one of silly stakes and fun

but not the kind the one would get

if the one could have fun.


archaic, devoid of fun, seems likely…


coded messages,

but not so coded

and also not quite real

for what are words on a page

with given names not taken

but others given.


you know exactly what this is,

feel empowered

– that’s not how life works –

interpretation is a cruel mistress,

but not ignorant at least


not ignorant.


That puts it leagues ahead,

miles beyond what does not matter.


We all have our addictions
A renowned ability to lesion sections of our brains
To avoid guilt or regret in the moment
And choke on it for life
Some happily ever after.

You were the brightest beauty at the Ball,
I the saint capable of heavy sin,
Dark however
Maybe an archangel with phoenix wings
Only capable of flight
And salvation
Every other weekend when my wings grew back.

I ran on the ground,
But occasionally,
I soared.

You rolled the dice twice
Love and snake-eyes,
But you never complained
Cursed your luck
Or mentioned it,
You walked away.

We all walk away,
Whether it’s today, next week, or when you stop inhabiting your body,
We all walk away.

fists of greatness

It was never a question of survival,

at least not for long,

but of progress.


Not the progress of condo development and urbanization,

or even a take-back-the-streets or reforestation,

but a human progress.


It is easy to survive in a bloated existence.


Life is lived out on silver platters

sometimes lined with gold paint

other times shit,

but the inside is all the same.




but it's of a numb variety.


Democraticzed boredom,


Boredom has become democratized.


It's horrible,

even the working class feel boredom

– beat it out with gunshots to projections of humans –

the quasi-intellectuals in ivory towers

– known it out by the sound of dices rolling,

or kids screaming in ears,

middling worries, or egotistical chest-thumping, about rat populations- 

whatever tries to tickle what can not be tickled.


Some say the train derailed after failed revolutions,

or from near-tyrannical governments

– although tyrants don't come like they used to,

in the 1900s or even 1200s –

but there is always choice.


Chirk it,

you know you want to,

come on man,

who wants responsibility anyways?


It's not your fault you are bored,

– or is your guilt rattling your conscience? –

but then again,

maybe it is.


You can blame the culture that force-feeds spectacle

– with their fists –

into every orifice in your body,

leaving you numb, gaping, confused,

but the blame doesn't belong there.


You take it all in, 

you open your legs for the wrong pleasures,

you have become a spectacle whore like any other,

and that responsibility

– along with the guilt – 

is yours to bear.


You can wake up and become a being worthy of greatness,

or lay back with your metaphysical legs wide open,

waiting for next flashy new toy to fill the void in your life.